Thursday, September 1, 2011

.....for I have sinned .....'s been entirely too long since my last blog post!

I've been battling one of the dreaded lurgys floating around my office, and it's left me feeling much like one of Michael Jackson's backup dancers in 'Thriller' ;)

So - first blog back, I want to share an awesome video I saw on my dear friend Laura's FB page.

100 years of East London style in 100 seconds.

I pretty much want every outfit the girl wears. And the dancing, oh the dancing! If I wasn't so hopeless at taking direction I'd sign up for a whole series of classes right now!

So - enjoy! Spring has sprung, the weather has turned and I need to paint my toenails tonight because it's going to be a wonderful 26 degrees tomorrow!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kate Moss's wedding - by Mario Testoni

Adore. Like, REALLY adore.

It's so refreshing to see a celebrity wedding that just kinda looks like a real, true life wedding - and not just another photoshoot!

All photos via

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wal's Weddings

My very lovely almost-sister-in-law, Jacq, sent me a link to a wonderful story about a man named Wal Richards.

Maryborough-Midlands Historical Society: supplied

Wal was intellectually disabled and couldn't read or write. But he loved to take photographs. Specifically of weddings.

He used to ride his bike to the weddings of complete strangers and photograph one of the most important days of their lives.

Maryborough-Midlands Historical Society: Wal Richards

The sheer volume of photographs he'd taken wasn't truly realised until after his death in the 1990's. His family discovered about 20,000 photographs from weddings spanning five decades.

Maryborough-Midlands Historical Society: Wal Richards

Most of the photographs have no information about the wedding - not even the date. The only idea you really get of a time period is by the style of the dresses!

Maryborough-Midlands Historical Society: Wal Richards

It's a great story (one I'd like to know more about!) and you can read about it on the ABC Ballarat website.

Wal's photographs are held by the Maryborough-Midlands Historical Society. I'd love to see more of them one day ....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

DSLR Camera Bag LOVE!

I found these awesome DSLR camera bags via Etsy and they are my new favourite thing!

Check out these sweet fabric choices from Pixbag the brains behind the beauty.....

My only issue would be stopping myself from buying one for every outfit!

I've never liked lugging around bulky camera bags (the reason why me and my circle of friends use socks for our point-and-shoot cameras!)so something like this is perfect - it protects, but looks good.

It's the Captain America of camera bags!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Festival Fashion

I stumbled across this gorgeous Classic Festival Fashion inspiration gallery on Vogue Australia's website.

Now, I'm not really a music festival kinda gal, but I can truly appreciate (and covet!) many of these looks ....

 Anita Pallenberg's tribal inspired necklace. 

Brigitte Bardot - loving the hat!

Vanessa Redgrave in a gorgeous sequined mini dress.
(P.S. Vanessa Redgrave = LOVE!)

Bianca Jagger. My Mum had a dress very much like this one. I wonder where she's put it ...

I also love that fashion trends have resurgences every now and then. Except for the 80's fashion. That should stay safely in the past.

Our children should learn from our mistakes!!

While you're checking out the Vogue Australia website, have a look at the Belle Curve shoot featuring Robyn Lawley.

She is a beautiful, beautiful woman ...and not a praying mantis! I also love the styling - it's modern day Mad Men!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

text / font / script / type / words

I've noticed more and more beautiful fonts and its uses of late (Etsy will do that to a girl!).

Here are some of my favourites:

From NeenaCreates via Etsy

From CornflowerBlueStudio via Etsy.

From ReboundDesigns via Etsy.
 (This is actually a vintage dictionary lovingly made into a handbag - want!)

From Hindsvik via Etsy

From KZukowski via Etsy.
(I will buy this for my niece in a couple of years - she has *the* most beautiful freckles!)

From MySoulCanDance via Etsy.

From MouthyMitts via Etsy.

I have rather big plans for words in our new house - I just need to cut it down to a few ideas and also find someone with wonderfully quirky handwriting to help me out (applications via email, please!).

I'm also thinking that my previously started New House Scrapbook may turn into a New House Scrapbook (Volumes 1, 2 and 3). Yipes. I almost feel like I need to ban myself from the internet so I don't keep adding to it. Almost.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Today's outfit ....

....consists of:

My 80's power-shirt-dress. I removed the massive shoulder pads and I'm wearing it open, kind of like a kimono. It looks like a couch cover. But a really cool couch cover!

My black pom-pom scarf - which I love - it's playful - it kinda bounces off my knees as I walk :)

My vintage 'briefcase' is hand for carrying my large amount of stuff. All necessary. No, really.

Kane's belt - don't tell him! He doesn't know!

Vintage pearls. I love them. I immediately feel just that little bit more glamorous when I wear them :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

“A good map is both a useful tool and a magic carpet to far away places”

Wondering what to do with your stockpile of out of date road maps? Looking for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture or jewellery?

I came across these ingenious uses for old maps on Apartment Therapy ....

....and I'm inspired!

Now, I already have a framed map on the wall at home (the perils/benefits of being married to a surveyor!) but I love how much more functional these ideas are. And that bangle? Adore. Like, REALLY adore.

Think how cool it would be to cover the drawers of your old dresser in the map you used while you were in Paris, or converting your boring coffee table into something a little more quirky with a top covered in a map of the London tube.

I've also heard of people with huge world maps on their walls, studded with little coloured pins or flags to show places they've visited. What a great way to brag about where you've been and to start many an interesting conversation at dinner!

For another idea - head to Amazon and check out the Scratch Map.

Images via Dream Green DIY

Yes, it's what you think! As you've visited places, you simply scratch off that part of the world on the map!

Oh, the places you will go!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Smeg me. Please!

For as long as I can remember I have loved Smeg refrigerators.

Yes, it's it's kind of odd to stare adoringly at applicances, but seriously - who can resist them?

As far as I am concerned, they are the Nigella of the appliance world - curvy, old school and incredibly easy on the eye! Who wouldn't want one in the kitchen? (the Smeg, not Nigella!)

So, this year I will be putting a Smeg refrigerator on my Christmas wish list. The husband is trying to dissuade me, but it's true love I tell you :)

Now .....what colour or pattern to pick .......? Decisions, decisions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Off the wall ...

It appears as though I have a penchant for photographing street art/graffiti.

I love the colour and form of it ...not to mention the choice of location!

Here's a little montage of my favorites .....

And this little beauty was taken when I visited Mount Gambier for my now sister-in-law's engagement party.

I'll be leaving a space on the wall of my new house for this one, methinks!

Every time I'm in Melbourne strolling along Southbank, I see beautiful chalk drawings on the footpaths ....this lovely lady was coming to the end of her chalk-life, but I actually really like her wistful gaze teamed with the faded chalk.

It's times like these that I wish I could draw!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Love me, love my hat.

Those that know me, know how much I love me a good head accessory!

Take a peep at Arturo Rios' shop on Etsy ....his work is just amazing. So beautiful and yet so ....architectural.

I fully intend on wearing the black bow headpiece to my next wedding. The one with the black and white striped dress ......

Debra Messing @ the 2001 Golden Globes